Sunday, April 8, 2012

to know His voice

So me and the Mr. met online. We chatted over the internet and telephone for months before we finally met.

I was thinking about talking with God and how just talking with R for many months wooed me. I can remember the waiting to see the message pop up on Eharmony. Wondering what his voice would sound like. Then, the first time we spoke, and the many times after that, I began to know it was him just by the sound of his voice. On our first face to face date, I got to see the face that went with the voice. What an experience!

To learn about someone, get to know them from writings, then talking and finally growing into a relationship.

This started me thinking about God. We always ask, "how do I know it's God???" 

Well, we get to know Him.

We start with His writing. We can debate till be are blue in the face if the Bible is complete, if it is correct transalation, and what not. I believe God is above all of that. Next, we can just start talking. I remember not knowing what to say to R and how the conversation became easier in time. Sometimes we just sat there in silence. This is how it will develop with God, too. God created relationships and this is all He wants with us as well.  The more you talk, the better you know His voice and if it is Him talking to you. And, just like silence is sometimes comforting with those we love, it is ok with God,too. Just enjoy your time with Him. And  even if someone sounds like my husband, I would know it wasn't him if they were telling me things completely out of character for him.

We will know.

The best part is seeing Him. We see Him when we finally can recognize Him. Then you will see him everywhere. You will know what to expect. Will we all go through this process at the same time? In the same manner?

It is our personal relationship with Him. and His with us. Take time. Get to know Him and you will know.

1 comment:

  1. I helped raise this amazing woman, she was a total delight to watch. She was a power house of energy and beauty. She was and is so very smart, If you think you have out thought her your probably wrong. I love seeing her thoughts on God, mine are the same. Thankfully I will have eternity to enjoy her, what a gift, I couldn't have raised a better Daughter.
