Monday, November 21, 2011

So....I am anxiously awaiting my breastpump.

 It is on it's way!

And, I my diapers should be on thier way soon too! I got an assortment of colors, just for fun :)

The room is ready. Diapers (flat and prefolds) are washed, folded and in the drawer. Pins are in their cute little holder. Nursing pillow, lamp and chair are ready and waiting. And......we have found reusable wipes! Yes, I will have to wash and fold those as well. But they are colorful and soft and I will not have to buy them every time I run out! :) 

now, how could NOT love using these for wipes??!!

It is so fun to have conversations with people that think I am nuts. I am amazed at the multitude of reasons NOT to do what I am doing. Honestly, the more I hear why I shouldn't and that I won't be able to keep it up - it is a motivator to be successful. :) that is my teenage self coming through....

I will have our baby/holiday/family pics up soon!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

in the begining....

There were leaves.
Then came cotton and other fabrics.
And now the wonderful world of disposable diapers. I used this newest invention with both of my older kids. I really didn't know any other way. So with this newest addition to our family, I am venturing down the road of Cloth Diapering. I know - crazy, right?  It seems to be a economical and safer route to go. I am looking at this as an adventure to help with the challenges I will face. I am also using reusable wipes and breast feeding.

I know, I know - Way out there, man!

Sure, there are lots of people that do all of these things; but it seems like I have a contagious disease when I tell people. It is funny. People either scowl at me, ask "what in the world are you doing???!" or offer so much advice that my head is spinning. My thoughts are - This is just a baby. It's just pee and poop. And, so what if I mess up a couple of times??  Since when did providing such maternal care, like breastfeeding, become so taboo?

I also like the idea of not contributing the awful waste of disposable diapers to the landfills. Do those things EVER break down? yuck.

So, with this new blog I will document my adventure of adding a third child and trying to do all of this my way. :) I am sure it will be entertaining, atleast for you. :) I do love feedback. I do appreciate a scolding when I am throwing a fit. And I do like to laugh at myself - eventually.

I hope to post pics. Right now, envision a tornado aftermath of pink, flowers and baby stuff. :) we will get there. My mom is having to do a ton of stuff with me being down trying to keep this little one inside as long as possible.

I am starting to practice the act of diaper folding. and those dang pins - a little trickier than the pampers pull and stick.  I did buy R (huuby) some Bummies. I will get picks of all our stuff when it gets here.

As far as the older boys, we will stick with T and t, they tell everyone I am putting our little girl in rags. :) They are not impressed, yet. They are very opinionated  about her clothes and her room. She does have a name, but we will stick with m.  :) 

So, here we go with our new adventure.....