Friday, February 17, 2012

Homeschooling Giveaway!

Enter to win an @familytimefit Giveaway from @ericahomeschool on twitter!
Enter thru 2/17/12:

free giveaway!!!

Check this out!!  I will post as many of these as I can!!!

good luck!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

my favorite tip!! is the biggest tip I have used thus far....
                                             TAKE INVENTORY

I take inventory of our clothes, our fridge stuff, our cupboards, our freezer.  Stores do this for a reason - you don't want to buy what you already have!

Most of use the same stuff all the time. We know what we like and what we use. MAKE A LIST. write it all down. Then go through your house. ALL OF IT. write down how much you have of each item and make a separate list of all the stuff you don't use. Decide if you should keep it. Let go of it. There is a walmart close by and let them pay for the space to house items and not you!  I have a fridge that I can write on with a dry erase marker. I keep inventory there of what's inside so that I know what I have. I always shop our house first when making my shopping list. Then you don't have too much. or.......if you like to build up a supply, you will know what you are short on.

The two major things that hinder this process - kids and husbands. You know the grazing type.  They eat everything that you had bought to cook a meal with. Make a cupboard for these people. Let them know that is their cabinet and everything else is off limits.  This should have it's own shopping list and could vary with coupons and sales available.

I have the kids go through their clothes and take inventory of their own clothes. This way, we stay on top of needs and I can buy on sale a season ahead.

I hope that this tip will help you. This frugal living quest came at a good husband lost his job yesterday. Happy Valentines to us! I only work part time. So, this will be interesting. If we didn't have debt - we could probably make this work. Stupid debt. If you have it - get out of it fast.  If you don't have it - don't get it. IT IS NOT WORTH IT.

Happy living to you!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

no tips, just thoughts........

Today, as I realize that once again it is past Tuesday, I am in a somber mood.
Today, I cry.
Today, I have a lot of questions for God.

Today I found out that yet another friend is at the end of life because of drug use. He is on life support with his family by his side.  He has fought an addiction for many, many years and it has finally caught up with him. I am angry. I am sad. I want to know why God allows us to screw up so badly and even to the point that we can't even help ourselves.

I guess the point is that we could never have helped ourselves. We depend on Him without even knowing it. Without even being aware of this crutch.  He knows. He knows that I am throwing my fist at him in desperation and screaming in my heart "WHY!!!!!!"

Why do people get destroyed by addiction?
Why do little children get cancer?
Why do grandmas and grandpas die?

I am so extremely tired and have a horrible headache and feel like crying. So, I will. As a mother, a woman, and do-it-all kind of gal I tend to act like everything is perfect. Like I have it all together. Well, somedays we don't. It is not only the good days that we must thank God, but also on the days when we really don't want to.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Here comes Valentines.....

Today I want to brag about my amazing husband. :)

I am blessed in so many ways by him. He does little things every day that show his love for me. Things like, running my phone and charger out to my car as I drive off in the morning. He gets the wipes wet for me when changing baby M. He shuts down the house so that I can go to bed early. He gives me a kiss for no reason. He gets up to help with baby M even when he know there is not much he can do when I feed. As Valentine's grows closer, I hope that I can show my husband how much I appreciate him and all the little things he does for us.

I used to think that presents were the key to these holidays. Hallmark, Walmart and tv help warp our views sometimes. I have learned that I can make this holiday, and every other one, what I want them to be. And, I want this day to be a special day to say I love you. I want to do something special for my husand and my children just becuase I have them. Just because I love them. Just because I can.

It will involve awesome meals, no chores for them, and lots of treats and goodies. Not the store bought crazy goodies, but homemade yummy and handmade cards.

I pray that you will find the joy of your marriage renewed this Valentines day...

I pray that you will get to the heart of your children this Valentines day...

I pray that we sing praises to God for all this lovin'....

The one thing in the Bible that I hold on to more than anything else, God IS Love. Unconditional, pure, simple, true love. A love that one day we will all witness.  I have taken the focus off of what others will do for me, but what can I do for others. I will find the joy in giving and receive the best gifts of all.

Here's to hearts, kisses and lovin'!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

atleast today starts with a T.....

So......I totally missed out on Tuesday!!! 

I have been so desperately tired that I forgot what day it was. Good thing I remembered today so that I don't go into the office on Saturday! HA!

I have a few tips for you and a little chat, too!

Some of my tips I learned this week....
                             If you fall off the wagon - get back on!
                             damp your hair, wrap it up in something (socks, hair ties, whatever) and when you are ready to walk out the door in the morning, hair is done! I learned this on accident when I forgot I starting doing my hair one morning and got sidetracked.
                             Clean your sink EVERY STINKIN NIGHT. If you have not found flylady yet, go now and come back to finish my silly ranting.

And now..... on to my newest thoughts and plans. I am going to start homeschooling my oldest child. I am not pulling my middle child from grade school ( i LOVE that school) and m is not quite ready for any schooling. I have had this desire for many years and I feel like my child is slipping through my fingers into the world. So, God has shared with me his desires for my family. I am getting more and more excited. My son is also becoming a kinder kid already.  Will this be the heaven sent, angels singing answer to our problems - no! It will cause new ones. But, I am willing to do whatever I have to keep T close to us and close to God. He needs some extra TLC. I am excited about all the learning we will do and all the struggles we will face. He might go back in High School, but we will see about that when it gets here.

I have been blessed by visits from friends this week. It keeps me from napping, cleaning, crying and I LOVE IT. I have been blessed by a crazy mix of people that I depend on for laughing, talking, helping and sharing. I am so thankful and they all came at just the right time. I know that, for me, other women are essential to my existence. The women have come and gone, some have stayed, but the fun and laughter and support we give to each other has made us all better women.

I have become a blog stalker. I envy these pretty, well thought out blogs and wish mine was like theirs.... or do I?  My blog is mine. It is me in every sense of the word. I love it. I love me. I love my blog. :)


I will start with trying to stay on target a little better, for you the reader. A peek into my head is usually jumbled and jumps from one thing to another. speaking of which......

I will be starting my Monthly Home Making Skill the last friday of the month: Haute Homemaking 101.  I think we will start with Ruffles. Can you do ruffles??? Want to learn how to do ruffles???  Come on over! Bring food or drink if you want, or don't (there will be plenty).   Need to bring the kids....good! I have some to keep busy.

Have a great Thursday.