Friday, March 2, 2012

oh yea, my house is just as clean.......not.

When it comes to blogging, I have blogger jealousy. I mean, how do these women do it???  Their pictures show the perfect house, the perfect kids, not burned muffins and they ALWAYS have on make up. and, then, I read like a bloggers secret post. I mean a post about how to blog. Like, actually do it professionally. They have these nifty services where you can write a lot of posts and it will post them for you daily, weekly. etc. They also talked about the pictures they post and how posed they are. It was refreshing to know that they would portray a perfect bloggers world even when it wasn't.

So this leads me to my point. Faking it, till you make it. I have to come realize that I am not perfect, nor am I getting any younger. This newborn, sleep deprevation is kicking my tail. I just got done crying like a baby because I forgot a tshirt order form for one my kids. I mean, really? Get a grip, Lady!!  :)  I am an emotional bag of hormones that can't remember anything and am eating enough for a 300 pound man.

As I write this, I am laughing. It helps to laugh, to write, to expose your self to the big bad wolf of the public. Need a little humbling??? Go ahead and tell the world you are perfect, you have this ALL under control and you will be humbled. Believe me.

Now, back to me. :)

I am on a mission to take the house work back over because the baby daddy around here is taking his test for a NEW JOB!!!  I sure wish I could make money grow from trees because he is awesome at laundry and dishes. I will hate taking those back. ha! I will begin my prayers of "Lord, just get me through this" and end with my prayers of "Lord, thank you for each dish, each piece of food". I actually think not having to do the things I loathe have taken a toll on me. I find strength and courage in simple acts of homemaking. Making myself do things for others and having prayer time and me time. Just as this blog sets me straight, so does working in the home.

My kids have suffered a little with my crankiness and tiredness. But, they have also picked up their end of the stick to help me. Which I love about them.

I hear the behbeh crying yet again. I am off to milk :)

Happy days to you - SPRING IS ALMOST HERE!
       (me and the baby daddy, aaaahhhh!)

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