Wednesday, February 15, 2012

my favorite tip!! is the biggest tip I have used thus far....
                                             TAKE INVENTORY

I take inventory of our clothes, our fridge stuff, our cupboards, our freezer.  Stores do this for a reason - you don't want to buy what you already have!

Most of use the same stuff all the time. We know what we like and what we use. MAKE A LIST. write it all down. Then go through your house. ALL OF IT. write down how much you have of each item and make a separate list of all the stuff you don't use. Decide if you should keep it. Let go of it. There is a walmart close by and let them pay for the space to house items and not you!  I have a fridge that I can write on with a dry erase marker. I keep inventory there of what's inside so that I know what I have. I always shop our house first when making my shopping list. Then you don't have too much. or.......if you like to build up a supply, you will know what you are short on.

The two major things that hinder this process - kids and husbands. You know the grazing type.  They eat everything that you had bought to cook a meal with. Make a cupboard for these people. Let them know that is their cabinet and everything else is off limits.  This should have it's own shopping list and could vary with coupons and sales available.

I have the kids go through their clothes and take inventory of their own clothes. This way, we stay on top of needs and I can buy on sale a season ahead.

I hope that this tip will help you. This frugal living quest came at a good husband lost his job yesterday. Happy Valentines to us! I only work part time. So, this will be interesting. If we didn't have debt - we could probably make this work. Stupid debt. If you have it - get out of it fast.  If you don't have it - don't get it. IT IS NOT WORTH IT.

Happy living to you!

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