Tuesday, December 27, 2011

can you say.....crazy??!!  How do you feel after the Christmas holiday? I hope you had a blessed day.

I have been down with prego pains. Just received my last shot - yea!!!  Those things HURT. and,,,,,,my pills are done. So, now we just sit and wait on God's timing for miss Molly!

I feel like I have everything done. I still face people daily who think I am over prepared and think way too much into this stuff. I just say - poo on you! :) with a smile, of course.

My latest debacle was wipes solution. I have found many recipes and have settled on one I like. I have to juggle what I would LOVE to have access to and what I actually have access to. I try to buy locally as much as possible. Unfortunatly, this does not usually equal cool. haha! I am finding more and more awesomeness as I hunt, though.

So...the recipe I am using:
 for every bottle of water:
                         one tablespoon of baby wash
                         one tablespoon of an essential oil (access always varies)

I will keep in a spray bottle and spray wipes as I use them. Upon researching the MANY ways of doing this I found that by not storing the wipes in the solution, it will cut down on having to wash unused wipes. I don't want it to go bad. I also have a wipe warmer that I may keep some moist ones in just because they are nice when warm. :) I had to scour the state to find the washcloths I wanted to use. I could have made them myself, but when you can get 4 for a dollar, you can't beat that! Walmart does not have the simple thin washcloths but the local dollar stores and some on the other side of the state did!!  I think I have 70 something!!!

speaking of what Walmart does not have, they also do not carry reusuable breast pads and those awesome water proof thin pads I used with my older two. I sound like an old lady, but hey! they worked! I would cut them up to fit everything!

I also took of the task making a mobile. I am trying to upload the pics - I am not advance in that department.  We made it out of a lamp shade (with no shade), old jewelry from her great grandmas, and roses. and lots of sheer ribbon!! It is adorable. I will be finishing up rooms today and tomorrow and will get all the pics posted this week.

Hopefully we have a good week and I will be back in action on this blog. I actually miss it when I am not typing. Have a great day and please, share any ideas you have with me, too!!

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